
Monthly Archives: August 2012

I have finally managed to get my arse in gear and recorded a new Loftcast podcast. It’s a collection of songs themed loosely around crime, murder and death. There is a fair amount of folk on it, mainly because folk songs are chock-full of tales of betrayal, murder, revenge, unrequited love, suicide, accidental drowning and other fatal mishaps. There is also a bit of Nick Cave, a bluegrass reworking of an old English folk song, some Doors and a funky version of a well known American folk song called Stagolee. Hope you like it.

The Loftcast

It was pointed out to me the other night that I haven’t blogged for a while and this is very true – I’ve had a number of other things to do (see my About page for more details) and have let the blogging slip, plus I haven’t been to the cinema for a while and so haven’t been moved to write anything on the subject of films.

I will try and get back on the horse and blog a bit more over the next few weeks. Just be patient and I will be back to my boring, verbose, subjective, opinionated self before you know it.